Borsetta, Avast, and Intel launched a new collaborative research center “Private AI – Security and Privacy for Decentralized ML” that I coordinate.
The center includes the following schools and researchers:
- CMU: Virginia Smith,
- NU Singapore: Reza Shokri,
- TU Darmstadt: Ahmad Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider,
- U Louvain: Axel Legay, Thomas Given-Wilson,
- U Southern California: Salman Avastimehr, Murali Annavaram,
- U Toronto: Nicolas Papernot,,
- U Waterloo: N Asokan, Florian Kerschbaum,
- U Würzburg: Alexandra Dmitrienko,
The mission of the center is to explore new algorithms and architectures to improve the security and privacy of decentralized and federated machine learning. Besides publishing groundbreaking research, a particular focus is on making the research practically useful by validating the results using real-world pilots and case studies.
More information can be found on the PrivateAI Homepage.